Northern Pike Netting Activities
SCH Number
Public Agency
Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services
Document Title
Northern Pike Netting Activities
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of this memorandum is to clarify the previous September 2000 NOE with additional detail for the Department's conclusion that the level of fish mortalities cause no significant adverse environmental impact to the waters of Lake Davis, and that any fish mortalities that do result from the activities described below are exempt under Class 6 category of the CEQA Guidelines. During the 2000 season, the Department's physical methods to contain and control northern pike included the use of seines, gill nets, and box (trap) nets. The Department also conducted electrofishing to sample fish. In order for the Class 6 categorical exemption to apply, the activity must satisfy three conditions. (14C.C.R. & 15306.) The first and third conditions are not an issue here. The second condition, which is the focus of our discussion, is that the activity must cause no serious or major environmental disturbance. This condition anticipates some physical activity that results in environmental change, but any such changes must be found to be minimal and inconsequential. The September 2000 NOE concluded that, given that the fish population of rainbow trout alone exceeds 1 million, the numbers of fish left to decompose was minimal.
Contact Information
Banky Curtis
Agency Name
Fish and Game Environmental Services (HQ)
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 6 (14 CCR 15306)
Reasons for Exemption
Exemption (NOE) concluding that its various netting activities at Lake Davis posed no significant adverse environmental impact.
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