The Sheldon Road/Highway 99 Overpass Gas Main Project, SAA 1600-2010-0032-R2
SCH Number
Public Agency
Fish & Game #2
Document Title
The Sheldon Road/Highway 99 Overpass Gas Main Project, SAA 1600-2010-0032-R2
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is limited the installation of approximately 500 feet of 6-inch gas main along Sheldon Road, and the decommissioning of the existing gas main located approximately 40 feet south of the new gas main. The new underground 6-inch diameter plastic gas line will tie into existing underground utility boxes at the eastern and western perimeter of the work area. Installation will involve open trenching along the sidewalk and through an unnamed tributary to Whitehouse Creek.
Contact Information
Amy Kennedy
Agency Name
California Department of Fish and Game
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15302 - Class 2 (c)
Reasons for Exemption
Project will consist of the replacement of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity.
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