Pump Station Rehabilitation Project Unit 2 - Rowland Plaza, Vintage Oaks 1 & 2 and Western Oaks Pump Stations
SCH Number
Public Agency
Novato Sanitary District
Document Title
Pump Station Rehabilitation Project Unit 2 - Rowland Plaza, Vintage Oaks 1 & 2 and Western Oaks Pump Stations
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This activity consists of the discretionary approval for the project. This project consists of rehabilitating four sanitary sewer pump stations including partial demolition of the existing structure, construction of wet well & valve pit, installation of new pumps and control panel at each location. The purpose of this project is to replace existing facilities that are difficult to operate in their current configuration and have reached the end of their service lives. Failure of the pump stations would result in sewage backing up and overflowing into nearby residences, creeks and wetlands. The beneficiaries of the project include the people served by the Novato Sanitary District and the people of the State of California, by eliminating the potential of discharge of sewage into the nearby storm drains and Novato Creek if the pump stations failed.
Contact Information
Beverly B. James
Agency Name
Novato Sanitary District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
This project meets the criteria of a Class ll categorical exemption, as set forth in Section 15302 of the State Guidelines. This determinations is made because the work is considered a replacement of the existing sanitary sewer facility that will not expand the capacity of the existing sanitary sewer conveyance system.
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