Las Deltas Safe Drinking Water Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Firebaugh
Document Title
Las Deltas Safe Drinking Water Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Las Deltas proposes to replace its existing water system. Project components include:
1. Replace approximately 11,700 lf of existing 8-in diameter water main transmission line from Washoe Avenue south of the Delta Mendota Canal to the Las Deltas headworks on W. Shaw Avenue.
2. Replace existing distribution system with 8-in diameter distribution pipelines and install water meters - 33,800 lineal feet. The current distribution system is composed of 4 to 6 inch pipelines constructed of asbestos cement. The distribution system is in poor condition according to an engineering report prepared by Gouveia Engineering Inc. in March of 2014.
3. Excavation of new transmission and distribution lines will occur in existing roadway rights of way. The replacement of tanks and booster pumps will occur on the same sites where current tanks and pumps exist.
4. All connections will be provided with a water meter. Approximately 115 connections will be fitted with this device.
Contact Information
Gregory Collins
Agency Name
City of Firebaugh
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
South of City of Firebaugh in Fresno County. The Las Deltas service area is generally located west of HWY 33 between Bullard and Ashland avenes in Fresno County. Approximately 115 service connections in service area.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301d; 15302c; 15303d;15304f
Reasons for Exemption
Emergency project and Categorical exemption. The Las Deltas water project will 1) replace an existing water system that has deteriorated over time that utilizes undersized water lines that are composed of asbestos cement; and 2) will add additional water storage and tank pressure capabilities so that min fire flows (currently the fire flow is 15 gallons per square inch of pressure) can be achieved throughout the system. All water line improvements will be installed within paved surfaces within existing road ROW, and all tank and associated improvements will be installed on pads that housed the old improvements. Biotic, air quality and cultural studies have been completed on this project and they indicated that the project would not have an adverse impact on these resources.
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