Oak Hill Lane Chipping and Tree Limbing Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Document Title
Oak Hill Lane Chipping and Tree Limbing Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of this joint project of Diablo FireSafe Council and homeowners is to reduce the volume of fuels around residences along Oak Hill Lane, located off of Marsh Creek Road in the unincorporated area of Contra Costa County south of Clayton, CA. The project starts at the intersection of Oak Hill Lane and Fox Creek Lane and continues to the end of the paved road approximately 0.8 miles to the west. The homeowners will reduce ladder fuels using hand tools from immediately around their homes to create defensible space. DFSC Grant funds will be used to hire a contractor to chip homeowner cut brush and fallen trees. The contractor will also cut understory vegetation, limb-up and thin trees that are hazardous, dead, diseased or dying along the access/egress road and driveways.
All work will be done by hand tools. Chipping equipment will stay on existing roads and driveways. No mastication, burning or other ground disturbance will occur on this project. Project work is expected during April-June during bird-nesting season. The project area will be reviewed by a biologist to identify any active nests and the work boundaries adjusted to avoid active nests. The contractor's work crew will also be instructed to stop work and inform the project manager should their activities uncover any active nests.
Contact Information
Edgar Orre
Agency Name
Cal Fire
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Contra Costa
Other Location Info
Portions of Sec 32 T1N R1E, and S33 T1N R13 Antioch South and Clayton Quads
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 4, 15304
Reasons for Exemption
This review included on the ground field inspection. A search of the California Natural Diversity Database for the project are resulted in the known presence of five special status plant and several animal species within the project area. However, the treatment is confined to removal of understory shrubs, lower branches of trees and dead and dying trees; thereby avoiding impact to the herbaceous plants. These five species occur in grasslands, on serpentine soils, vernal pools, specific sand dunes, and rocky chaparral slope; whereas treatments will be confined to previous disturbed locations in oak woodlands. No special status animals were found within the project area. No special status species were observed in the field during project planning efforts. Project work is located in previously disturbed areas around existing homes and roads; no special status species are anticipated in the project area.
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