Phillips 66 Los Angeles Refinery Carson Plant - Post-Closure Permit for the Former Process Water Pond
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Phillips 66 Los Angeles Refinery Carson Plant - Post-Closure Permit for the Former Process Water Pond
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has approved an administrative re-issuance of a Hazardous Waste Post Closure permit (Permit) for the Former Process Water Pond (PWP) at the Philips 66 Los Angeles Refinery Carson Plant (LARC). The Permit outlines the procedures to fulfill the regulatory requirements and consist of three primary functions: a) groundwater monitoring, b) soil monitoring; and c) maintenance of financial mechanism to fund the Post Closure activities.
LARC is a petroleum refining facility that processes, stores, and receives crude oil on a 245-acre industrial site. The PWP was used to temporarily store effluent overflow or off-specification wastewater from the oil recovery system before it was transferred back to a separator for recovery and wastewater discharge into the Los Angeles County Sanitation District sewer system. The PWP was located in the east-central portion of the refinery in an area designated as Unit DR. The PWP was roughly rectangular with maximum surface dimensions of approximately 233-feet long by 83-feet wide feet wide and a depth at the deepest point of 15 feet. Closure operations began in 1995 in accordance with a closure plan approved by DTSC. Closure ctivities consisted of removing all waste from the PWP, filling with clean clay soil, and capping with an asphalt cover. On April 26, 1999, DTSC formally acknowledged the PWP closure in a letter and affirmed a post-closure permit was required. The initial post closure permit was issued by DTSC on October 25, 2007. The Permit expired on November 26, 2017; however, federal and state law allows facilities with expired permits to continue operation if the facility filed an application which is accepted
by DTSC in advance of the permit expiration date. Phillips 66 submitted an application for the post-closure permit renewal on April 27, 2017.
Project Activities:
Post closure activities are performed to minimize the potential that chemicals contained in the PWP will be released to the
environment and to allow for detection of a release from the unit. These activities include:
1. Groundwater sampling and monitoring; and
2. Cap inspection and maintenance.
Administrative re-issuance of a Post-Closure permit. No physical changes to the site are proposed outside of normal
operation and maintenance of the Post-Closure monitoring activities.
Contact Information
Gary Hammond
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Darin L. Fields Los Angeles Refinery Manager, Philips 66
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Los Angeles
Other Location Info
1520 East Sepulveda Boulevard! Carson, California
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CCR § 15301
Reasons for Exemption
This existing facility was closed in 1995, DTSC acknowledged its closure in 1999 and issued the Permit in 2007. The renewal of the Permit does not include construction and will not result in the expansion of any existing or former use. The facility is not included in the Cortese list (Gov. Code, §65962.5.)