Robert Crown Memorial State Beach - Renovate McKay Avenue Utilities
SCH Number
Public Agency
East Bay Regional Parks District
Document Title
Robert Crown Memorial State Beach - Renovate McKay Avenue Utilities
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) proposes to replace and install 5 new sanitary sewer system (SS) manholes, 800’+/- new gravity line, a new lift station, 800’+/- new SS force main and 2300’+/- new potable water line. Renovate sanitary sewer system, and separate EBRPD sanitary sewer from the adjacent Wellness Center property. Work to include the following:
• Remove or abandon-in-place brick manholes and clay tile gravity sewer piping serving EBRPD facilities at McKay Avenue. Install new manholes and gravity piping as required.
• Demolish EBRPD SS lift station located adjacent to the Crab Cove Visitor Center parking lot.
• Install new SS lift station after demolition of adjacent existing SS lift station. Install new SS force main pipe to existing City manhole at Central Avenue. EBRPD effluent will no longer flow into the Wellness Center SS lift station located near the north end of McKay Avenue.
Other sanitary sewer improvements include replacing a portion of the gravity piping and adding a new manhole at Memory Lane.
Separate EBRPD potable water system from the adjacent Wellness Center property and improve flow at the Crab Cove Visitor Center. Work to include the following:
• Install new potable water line from the Park main at the habitat garden near Westline Drive to the Glory of the Seas and Crab Cove Visitor Center buildings.
Remove or abandon-in-place potable water piping supplying EBRPD facilities from the Wellness Center system. All potable water will be supplied to existing park facilities through the existing EBMUD water meter on Westline Drive.
Contact Information
Tonya Covarrubias
Agency Name
East Bay Regional Park District
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
Central Avenue
State Highways
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301 (b) (d)
Reasons for Exemption
This project will include replacement and renovation of existing deteriorated and aged sanitary sewer system, separate EBRPD sanitary sewer and potable water system from the adjacent property to improve flow at EBRPD facilities and meet current standards of public health and safety.
County Clerk