I-5 Pavement Anchor Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 10 (DOT)
Document Title
I-5 Pavement Anchor Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project proposes to rehabilitate the mainline and ramps on Interstate 5 (I-5), in and near the City of Stockton, San Joaquin County from Hammer Lane Undercrossing to the Sacramento County Line. The proposed scope of work incorporates nine satellite assets that include guardrail upgrade, bridge rail replacement, culvert replacement, operational improvements, sign replacements, Transportation Management System elements, roadside safety improvements, lighting and American with Disabilities Act improvements. The project scope would include: • Work off the paved roadway • Trenches, grading, or other ground disturbance • Drainage work or alterations • Median detour • Temporary construction easements • Vegetation removal • Structures on or adjacent to the proposed right of way • Nightwork The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate and extend the pavement service life, repair the infrastructure, and improve mobility on I-5 within the project limits. The project is needed to replace the deteriorating pavement and highway infrastructures and assets that have been identified to be non-compliant with current standards.

Contact Information

Michaela Shelton
Agency Name
California Department of Transportation
Job Title
Associate Environmental Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Stockton, Unincorporated area
San Joaquin
Citywide, Northern California, Unincorporated
State Highways
Interstate 5
Other Location Info
On Interstate 5 from Hammer Lane undercrossing in Stockton to the Sacramento County Line.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, CCR, title 14, section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
No exceptions apply that would bar the use of a categorical exemption (PRC 21084 and 14 CCR 15300.2).
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