PA-2100196, 197, 198 - General Plan Text Amendment & Development Title Text Amendment, General Plan Map Amendment, and Zone Reclassification applications.


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Joaquin County
Document Title
PA-2100196, 197, 198 - General Plan Text Amendment & Development Title Text Amendment, General Plan Map Amendment, and Zone Reclassification applications.
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is a combination of three applications to address the shortage of truck parking and truck sales locations currently available within San Joaquin County. The project applications are as follows: General Plan Text Amendment & Development Title Text Amendment (PA-2100196) • Create a new General Plan designation of Agriculture-Industrial (A/I) with policies related to locational criteria, permitted uses, and development standards. • Create a new zone of Agriculture-Industrial (AI) for consistency with the new General Plan designation. Development Title Section 9-600.1 and Table 9-605.2 will be amended to include the new Agriculture-Industrial (AI) zone, and will permit all uses currently permitted in the General Agriculture (AG) zone, as well as the following Truck Sales & Services use types: Parking and Sales. These additional uses will be subject to a Site Improvement Plan or Site Approval based on specific criteria. • Permit additional truck-related uses in the General Commercial (C-G) zone. Development Title Table 9-405.2 will be updated to permit the following Truck Sales & Services use types in the General Commercial (C-G) zone: Parking, Cleaning, Repairs and Sales. These truck-related uses will be subject to an approved Site Approval, and specific locational criteria will be added to Development Title Section 9-405.5[h]. General Plan Map Amendment (PA-2100197) • Amend the General Plan designation of 38 pre-selected parcels to Agriculture-Industrial (A/I). Location no. 19 (APN 059-260-61) and location no. 20 (APN: 059-260-63) shall be excluded from the A/I General Plan designation. Location no. 29 (APN: 193-060-45) shall be included in the A/I General Plan amendment. (As referenced in Exhibit B of the draft Resolution contained in the board packet, see attached). Zone Reclassification (PA-2100198) • Change the zoning of the same pre-selected 38 parcels to Agriculture-Industrial (AI), Location no. 19 (APN: 059-260-61) and location no. 20(APN: 059-260-63) shall be excluded from the AI Zone Reclassification. Location no. 29 (APN: 193-060-45) shall be included in the AI Zone Reclassification. (As referenced in Exhibit B of the draft Resolution contained in the board packet, see attached). The parcels identified by the County as potential sites for the Agriculture-Industrial (A/I) General Plan designation and Agriculture-Industrial (AI) zone meet specific policies and locational criteria outlined in the General Plan Text Amendment and Development Title Text Amendment applications.

Contact Information

Jennifer Jolley
Agency Name
San Joaquin County Community Development Department
Job Title
Deputy Director of Planning
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Multiple Locations within the County
San Joaquin
Other Location Info
Multiple Locations within the County. See Exhibit B included in the Notice of Exemption packet.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
General Exemptions Section 15061 (b)(3), Special Situations Section 15183.
Reasons for Exemption
Section 15061(b)(3) provides an exemption from environmental review pursuant to CEQA for projects where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. If approved, this project will change the General Plan designation and zoning of a limited (or specific) number of parcels to an Agriculture-Industrial (A/I) General Plan designation and the corresponding Agriculture Industrial (AI) zoning. In addition to the permitted uses in the General Agriculture zone, the change in General Plan designation and zoning will expand the permitted uses to include truck parking and truck sales subject to a land use permit. Ministerial approval of truck parking is limited to truck parking projects with a maximum number of 25 permitted trucks, trailers or combination thereof and any provided office space is less than 1,000 square feet in size. Ministerial approval of a truck sales project is limited to 12,500 square feet or less of building space. Any project that exceeds these thresholds will require a discretionary application that is subject to CEQA. Due to the limited area and number of permitted trucks, trailers, or combination thereof without a discretionary application, approval of the project does not have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Section 15183 provides an exemption from additional environmental review for projects that are consistent with the development density established by existing zoning, community plan, or general plan policies for which an Environmental Impact Report was certified, except as it might be necessary pursuant to that section. The County’s General Plan EIR was certified on December 13, 2016. The General Plan EIR comprehensively evaluated environmental impacts that would result from the General Plan’s implementation, including information relating to existing site conditions, analysis of the types and magnitude of project level and cumulative environmental impacts, and feasible mitigation measures that could reduce or avoid environmental impacts. This project, which is a truck parking ordinance, is consistent with development density established by existing General Agricultural designation and zone and has been analyzed to find: 1) there are no specific effects which are peculiar to this project that the General Plan EIR failed to analyze, 2) there are no environmental effects of this project that were not analyzed as significant effects in the General Plan EIR, 3) there are no potentially significant off-site and/or cumulative impacts from this project that the General Plan EIR failed to evaluate, and 4) there is no substantial new information which would result in more severe impacts of this project than anticipated by the General Plan EIR.
County Clerk
San Joaquin
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