O’Neill Dam Weir Box Drain Ditches Cleaning
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
O’Neill Dam Weir Box Drain Ditches Cleaning
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
On the east side of O'Neill Dam there are seven toe drains that flow into three separate drainage ditches. The ongoing accumulation of vegetation and sediment impedes the flow of water that can discharge into the ditches from the toe drains. To maintain flow capacity, the Department of Water Resources' (DWR) San Luis Field Division (SLFD) will use a backhoe, excavator, hand tools, and herbicides to remove accumulated vegetation and sediment in each of the drainage ditches where channel capacity is diminished. Each ditch will be cleared starting from the point where the ditch exits the toe of O’Neill Dam, downstream to the point where the ditch is no longer in the San Luis Canal right-of-way. Six weir boxes are associated with this toe drain/ditch system; these weir boxes will be cleaned as needed. Approximately 1,000 feet of ditch will be cleaned. Removed sediment and vegetation will be stockpiled onsite or at the San Luis Dam maintenance yard. The California Conservation Corps may assist with this work; all herbicides will be applied according to manufacturer specifications. This work will occur annually.
Contact Information
Eleuterio Diaz
Agency Name
Department of Water Resources
Job Title
Planner/Scheduler and Utility Craftsworker Supervisor, WR
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Southern California
Cross Streets
Approximately 1.6 miles southwest of the City of Santa Nella in Merced County.
San Luis Reservoir, O'Neill Forebay, San Luis Canal
Other Location Info
O’Neill Dam is in Reach 3A of the portion of the California Aqueduct known as the San Luis Canal, approximately 1.6 miles southwest of the City of Santa Nella.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
DWR will conduct or supervise annual maintenance of toe drains, weir
boxes, and drainage ditches appurtenant to O’Neill Dam. This maintenance will restore the capacity and operation of the toe drains, weir boxes, and drainage ditches to their original design specifications. The work will not cause an increase in the use of these structures. Categorical Exemption 15301 (m): Minor repairs and alterations to existing dams and appurtenant structures under the supervision of the Department of
Water Resources applies to this annual work.