Country Estates Mutual Water Company Waterline Repair Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Shasta County
Document Title
Country Estates Mutual Water Company Waterline Repair Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Country Estates Mutual Water Company (CEMWC) is a small water system with a service area that encompasses a 47-lot subdivision. CEMWC currently provides water to seven lots, serving approximately 15 people. The CEMWC’s sole source of potable water is one groundwater well located on CEMWC-owned property (APN 084-350-012). Given the low water volume produced by the well, the County established a moratorium on all new system connections in 1988. Recently, groundwater production has diminished sharply due to ongoing drought, and the supply of water to residents has been insufficient to meet basic household needs. In addition, CEMWC has discovered a leak in the water main that distributes water to the lots. The 10-inch water main leak is located within the public road ROW of Statton Road (see attached Figure 2). Leak repair work would involve trenching and excavation of paved areas within the ROW. Following repairs to the pipe, the trench would be backfilled and the pavement would be replaced. The work will be carried out by CEMWC subject to an encroachment permit (#22-48) that has been approved by the Shasta County Department of Public Works. The purpose of the proposed project is to reduce water loss and ensure a safe and reliable potable water supply for the benefit of the CEMWC and its existing customers in the service area. The project would not provide for future build-out or induce population growth in the area.
Contact Information
Lio Salazar
Agency Name
Shasta County Department of Public Works
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Statton Road Right-of-Way, Lakehead, CA
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, §15301 (Existing Facilities)
Reasons for Exemption
The project is the repair of an existing private water utility facility involving no expansion of the existing use.
County Clerk