Outfall 018 Media Bed Replacement
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region 4
Document Title
Outfall 018 Media Bed Replacement
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of the proposed Project is to improve the surface water quality by replacing the media bed in the concrete spillway between the pond and Outfall 018 with an upgraded, more fire-resistant treatment Best Management Practices (BMP). The original media bed was destroyed by the November 2018 Woolsey Wildfire. The new treatment BMP, designed and recommended by a Stormwater Expert Panel, will minimize sediment transport into and minimize potential impacts to surface water quality of the ephemeral drainage which flows southerly to Outfall 002 and forms the headwaters of Bell Creek.
Contact Information
L. B. Nye
Agency Name
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 - Los Angeles
Job Title
Environmental Program Manager I
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
unincorporated area
Southern California
Other Location Info
Outfall 018, Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 2, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15302
Reasons for Exemption
The Project consists of replacement of burned media bed, construction of a flume headwall, and repair of the weathered floor in front of the headwall. The new BMP will be located on the same site as the BMP replaced and will have the same purpose and capacity as the BMP replaced and will be more fire resistant. No expansion of the existing spillway or changes in use would occur; therefore, the project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15302.
County Clerk