Chavez Gardens
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
Chavez Gardens
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Project is for the construction of a 100% affordable housing development comprised of 2 buildings (Mathews and Fickett) with a total of 110 dwelling units consisting of 1 manager’s unit and 109 units reserved for Low-Income Households of which 30 units are reserved for Permanent Supportive Housing. Both buildings will have maximum height of 4 stories and 50 feet 6 inches as measured from grade to the top of parapet and a height of 60 feet as measured to the top of the stair overruns. The project will have a total floor area of 115,600 square feet of floor area and an average Floor Area Ratio of 1.91:1, with a maximum FAR of 2.06:1 for the Mathews site and a maximum FAR of 1.74:1 on the C2-1 portion of the Fickett site and 2.00:1 FAR on the R3-1 portion of the site. The project proposes 44 vehicle parking spaces at grade level and 104 bicycle parking spaces in total. The project will provide a total of 14,025 square feet of common open space, 4,321 square feet of landscape area, 2,200 square feet of on-site supportive services, and 3,000 square feet of commercial area. The site is currently vacant, and there are no protected or non-protected trees on the site. The project proposes the planting of 13 trees on the Mathews site and 15 trees on the Fickett site, for a total of 28 new trees on-site. The project proposes to remove up to 3 Street trees along Mathews St. and up to 2 street trees along Cesar E. Chavez Ave. per the satisfaction and approval of Urban Forestry Division. As there are no approved right-of-way improvement plans, the project considered will assume the worst-case scenario of removal of all street trees. However, this analysis gives no rights to the applicant to remove any street tree. No street trees may be removed without prior approval of Urban Forestry based on compliance with LAMC Section 62.169 and 62.170 and applicable findings.
Contact Information
Bryant Wu
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles, City Planning Department
Job Title
Planning Assistant
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Cross Streets
Cesar Chavez Ave & N Fickett Street
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
I-10 & I-101
Gold Line
Los Angeles Unified School
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
21080(b)(1) and Government Code Section 65651
Reasons for Exemption
The project is a qualified Streamlined Infill Project and satisfies all of the objective planning standards and is therefore subject to the streamlined ministerial approval process provided under Government Code Section 65651(a) and (b). As a supportive housing project that satisfies all the objective planning standards of Government Code Section 65651, approval of the project is ministerial and therefore statutorily exempt from the CEQA and Public Resources Code Section 21080(b)(1).
County Clerk
Los Angeles