Central Coast Water Authority and San Luis Obispo County Flood Control & WCD Agreement for Transfer and Treatment of State Water Project Water


SCH Number
Public Agency
Central Coast Water Authority (CCWA)
Document Title
Central Coast Water Authority and San Luis Obispo County Flood Control & WCD Agreement for Transfer and Treatment of State Water Project Water
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Due to prolonged drought conditions, the present drought emergency, and low allocation of SWP "Table A Amount" for 2022, CCWA currently needs additional water supplies to supplement its 2022 supplies. Under the Project, the District will make available for transfer to CCWA up to 1,000 acre-feet (AF) of its SWP Table A Amount. The point of delivery for the transfer will be San Luis Reservoir. Delivery to CCWA will occur on or before December 31, 2022. ln exchange, to meet the need for additional treated water caused by the drought emergency, CCWA will provide to the District from CCWA's Treatment Plant an equal volume of treated SWP water in excess of the annual 4,830 AF that the District is allocated pursuant to the existing Master Water Treatment Agreement, dated March 1, 1992, as amended on September 1, 1993 and February 28, 1995, between CCWA and the District. The treated water would be delivered to the District through the Treatment Plant and Reaches 33B and 34 of the Coastal Branch. The District will provide the treated water to local agencies within San Luis Obispo County to supplement existing water supplies during the drought emergency. All water transferred to CCWA would be used entirely within CCWA's service area. All treated water delivered to the District would be used entirely within the District's service area.

Contact Information

Ray Stokes
Agency Name
Central Coast Water Authority
Job Title
Executive Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Merced, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara
Northern California, Southern California
Other Location Info
Existing State Water Project ("SWP") facilities to existing turnouts in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Merced Counties and existing Central Coast Water Authority ("CCWA") water treatment plant and distribution facilities in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties. The SWP is owned and operated by the California Department of Water Resources ("DWR"), headquartered in Sacramento, California. Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District contracts with DWR for the delivery of SWP water to Santa Barbara County ("SWP Contract"). CCWA has assumed responsibility for the SWP Contract. CCWA is headquartered in Santa Barbara County and its service area is located in Santa Barbara County. CCWA's Polonio Pass Water Treatment Plant ("Treatment Plant") is located on the DWR Coastal Branch Extension of the SWP ("Coastal Branch") in San Luis Obispo County. The San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District ("District") contracts with DWR for the delivery of SWP water to San Luis Obispo County. The District is headquartered in San Luis Obispo County and its service area is located in San Luis Obispo County. San Luis Reservoir, the point of delivery for the Project's transfer from the District to CCWA, is located in Merced County.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
Sec 15269(c); 15061(b)(3), 15301
Reasons for Exemption
a. The Project will facilitate the delivery of water, using only existing facilities in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Merced Counties and is intended to meet existing uses of water and would not support new development or a change in land use. Further, the Project would not result in the development of any new facilities or in the modification of any existing facilities. (14 Cal. Code Regs. §§ 15061 {b)(3),15301.) b. The Project is entirely within the authorized SWP place of use. c. The Project involves a one-time transfer that would only occur under emergency conditions and is a specific action necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. (14 Cal. Code Regs.§ 15269(c).)

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec 15269(c); 15061(b)(3), 15301
Reasons for Exemption
a. The Project will facilitate the delivery of water, using only existing facilities in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Merced Counties and is intended to meet existing uses of water and would not support new development or a change in land use. Further, the Project would not result in the development of any new facilities or in the modification of any existing facilities. (14 Cal. Code Regs. §§ 15061 {b)(3), 15301.) b. The Project is entirely within the authorized SWP place of use. c. The Project involves a one-time transfer that would only occur under emergency conditions and is a specific action necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. (14 Cal. Code Regs.§ 15269(c).)

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec 15269(c); 15061(b)(3), 15301
Reasons for Exemption
a. The Project will facilitate the delivery of water, using only existing facilities in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Merced Counties and is intended to meet existing uses of water and would not support new development or a change in land use. Further, the Project would not result in the development of any new facilities or in the modification of any existing facilities. (14 Cal. Code Regs. §§ 15061 {b)(3), 15301.) b. The Project is entirely within the authorized SWP place of use. c. The Project involves a one-time transfer that would only occur under emergency conditions and is a specific action necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. (14 Cal. Code Regs.§ 15269(c).)
County Clerks
Merced, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara
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