UP 20-97 Alchemy 29


SCH Number
Public Agency
Lake County
Document Title
UP 20-97 Alchemy 29
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
major use permit for One (1) Type 6: “Non-Volatile Cannabis Manufacturing License”: the manufacturing of cannabis products for medicinal and adult cannabis use using nonvolatile solvents, or no solvents, as defined by the Business and Professions Code, Section 40100. One (1) Type P “Cannabis Manufacturing License”: Manufacturers that only package or repackage cannabis products or label or relabel the cannabis product container or wrapper. One (1) Type 11: “Cannabis Distributor License”: The procurement, sale, and transport of cannabis and cannabis products between entities licensed entities licensed pursuant to California Code. Categorical Exemption 15301, Class 1 (CE 22-58)

Contact Information

Andrew Amelung
Agency Name
County of Lake
Job Title
Program Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Lower Lake
Cross Streets
Murphy Springs Road
Parcel #
State Highways

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Categorical Exemption 15301, Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project is located on a previously developed parcel. The buildings that will be used for the proposal are existing and the applicant does not propose to expand the existing buildings. All proposed cannabis activities will occur within the buildings and no new exterior construction or major grading is proposed for the completion of this project beyond that of the CalTrans required encroachment improvement. Therefore, short-term construction emissions are not anticipated. The property has existing designated truck delivery areas, an existing paved parking lot with approximately 27 spaces for employees, and existing utilities that supports the building. The proposed project is not anticipated to have a potential impact on traffic as the proposal will consist of approximately 2 to 5 deliveries/shipments/distribution trips per day. A Trip Generation Assessment was performed for the project, which concluded that the project would be expected to result in fewer daily and peak hour trips than the previous use of the site (Parker Plastics - plastics manufacturing business) and is expected to have an acceptable effect on operation of the surrounding roadway network. No fugitive dust emission impacts are expected. The existing access road and project parcel is equipped with storm water drainages that will remove roadway contamination from public waterways; no impacts to storm water drainage patterns are anticipated. Additionally, the existing building will be equipped with filtration systems to prevent the movement of odors, chemicals, pesticides, and other air borne contaminants out of or into the existing building.
County Clerk
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