Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Yucaipa Valley Water District
Document Title
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Yucaipa Valley Water District (YVWD) proposes to construct an Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility located west of Interstate 10 in the City of Calimesa as one project in two phases. Phase 1 proposes to install one test injection well (IW-1) and one monitoring well (MW-1) for the purpose of acquiring objective aquifer data and to determine site-specific groundwater level effects from proposed future recycled water injection. The data collected during pumping and injection tests will be used to refine current groundwater model parameters and to determine baseline basin groundwater quality in the zones where future injection wells are planned to be constructed. The monitoring well will be placed at a targeted location to better refine estimates of aquifer characteristics, mounding effects, and travel times. Results from this study will be used to select the optimal placement of the remaining four proposed injection wells that will be constructing in this phase (Phase 1). Phase 2 proposes to install two recovery wells. This system includes the injection of approximately 2,500 AFY of fully treated (reverse osmosis) recycled water to provide additional drinking water supplies and to meet peak recycled water demands by reversing the flow of water from the injection wells. Implementation of this Phase 2 will also provide purified recycled water recharge to Yucaipa Subbasin and recovery facilities, thus decreasing dependence on imported water deliveries. The ASR wells will be constructed in an approved Specific Plan area with a certified EIR. This CE covers the installation and operation of the wells.
Contact Information
Jennifer Ares
Agency Name
Yucaipa Valley Water District
Job Title
Water Resource Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Other Location Info
West of I-10, south of the Singleton Road and Roberts Road intersection in Calimesa, California.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 3(d), Section 15303 New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures
Reasons for Exemption
This Project involves the construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures and installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures. The Project involves constructing injection, monitoring, and recovery wells to provide additional drinking water, meet recycled water demands, and decrease dependence on imported water deliveries. The wells would be constructed within a Specific Plan area that will be graded in accordance with a separate EIR.
County Clerk