2023 Collection System Improvements


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Yreka
Document Title
2023 Collection System Improvements
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The City of Yreka proposes to replace old portions of its sewage collection systemin the Burgess Street area neighborhood due to significant structural defects, including cracked pipe sections, partial collapses, and deformed cross-sections. Additionally, there are several sewer mains that lack maintenance access points, such as manholes or rodholes, making maintaining these lines virtually impossible without excavation. The City will replace these sewer mains with PVC mains installed solely within the City's and Caltrans's existing rights-of-way (ROW). The City will install a sufficient number of concrete manholes to facilitate proper maintenance of the new sewer mains. Laterals for each parcel served by these sewers will be replaced within the ROW, and a two-way cleanout will be installed at the property line. No work is anticipated on privately owned property. In order to minimize issues related to future maintenance of the pipeline in Main Street, the City proposes to abandon the older and smaller clay interceptor line and divert all flows into the larger existing PVC parallel interceptor line from Lennox Street to Oberlin Road. This work will require connecting all laterals and mains currently attached to the clay interceptor line to the PVC interceptor line. The proposed improvements will cross one jurisdictional water, a channelized drainage ditch located in the Burgess Street ROW, just north of Virginia Street. The purpose of the project is to ensure reliable sewer service for the benefit of the City's utility customers.

Contact Information

Juliana Lucchesi
Agency Name
City of Yreka
Job Title
Community Development Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


45 N
7 W
22, 23

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, §15301; Class 2, §15302; Class 4, §15304
Reasons for Exemption
Class 1 includes the repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing public structures, facilities, and mechanical equipment, involving negligible or no expansion of use; Class 2 includes replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity; and Class 4 includes minor trenching and backfilling on land with a slope of less than ten percent where the surface is restored. The Project is consistent with the categorical exemptions noted above because work would consist of repair, maintenance, and minor alterations to existing facilities; negligible expansion of capacity or use would occur; the majority of the pipelines would be placed in previously disturbed areas within the public road rights-of-way and in public utility easements, and the ground surface would be restored following construction.
County Clerk
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