Foothill-McClellan Pole Replacement Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Document Title
Foothill-McClellan Pole Replacement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
To improve and ensure safe and reliable electric service in Sacramento County, SMUD will replace 5 Transmission Poles 1639, 1651, 1656, 1661 and 1692. The 5 poles are located along Roseville Road, in the in the North Highlands neighborhood in Sacramento, and are along the Union Pacific Railroads.. The new poles will be of sufficient strength to support existing conductor. SMUD proposes to replace the wood poles with a combination of wood and steel poles. The height of the new poles ranges from 55 to 90 feet tall. The new poles will be placed within 10 feet of the existing pole. Soil that is removed from the new hole will be placed back into the old hole or will be taken off site and disposed of appropriately. Construction is scheduled for November 6 through 9, 2023 or soon thereafter and will take approximately 3 days. All project access will be from Roseville Rd. Traffic and pedestrian control will follow all standard safety measures for construction and will be implemented in consultation with the Sacramento County Public Works and Transportation Services Department, if necessary.

Contact Information

Aziza Ubaka-Sampson
Agency Name
Job Title
Environmental Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Citywide, Countywide
Cross Streets
Roseville Road and Gilman Way
Other Location Info
Along Roseville Road and Gilman Way, in the North Highlands Neighborhood of Sacramento, CA 95660

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA PRC Section 21080(b)(9), 21084
Reasons for Exemption
Under CEQA Guidelines §15062, a lead agency must identify the rationale for making the determination that a project is exempt under CEQA. SMUD has determined that the Foothill-McClellan Pole Replacement Project is exempt under CEQA Guideline §15302 which states that Class 2 Exemptions consist of “replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced...” The Foothill-McClellan Pole Replacement Project involves the replacement of existing wood poles near the same location with no expansion of service and therefore is considered exempt in accordance with CEQA Guidelines §15302.
County Clerk
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