SCH Number 2014032081
Project Info
- Title
- Inn at the Village
- Description
- The project is a seven-story hotel that includes up to 67 hotel rooms, food, and beverage sales, spa, outdoor pool/jacuzzis, and landscaping elements. The hotel would total 64,750 gross square feet of buildable floor area and would be built on top of the existing 8050 parking structure. The project includes three amendments to the North Village Specific Plan (NVSP): (1) an increase in the allowable development density for the project site; (2) an increase in the allowable building height; and (3) a reduction in the required front yard setbacks along Minaret Road. The project would supersede the approved 8050C project and allow ownership structure flexibility [e.g., traditional hotel, condominium-hotel, etc.]). The project-level environmental analysis tiers off of the Final Environmental Impact Report North Village Specific Plan (dated February 1991) (1991 PEIR), North Village Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report Addendum (dated May 1994) (1994 PEIR Addendum), and Subsequent Program Environmental Impact Report for the North Village 1999 Specific Plan Amendment (dated October 13, 2000) (1999 SPEIR), with subsequent addenda. A Modified Initial Study was prepared and circulated for a 30-day review period, from March 26, 2014 to April 24, 2014, with a scoping meeting on April 9, 2014. Based on the analysis in the Modified Initial Study and comment letters received in response to the Notice of Preparation (NOP), the Town determined that the project could result in new or more significant impacts related to: Land Use and Relevant Planning, Aesthetics/Light and Glare, Traffic/Circulation, Noise, Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Utilities and Service Systems. These issues have been analyzed in the Draft SEIR, which concludes that with implementation of regulations and recommended mitigation measures (as applicable), there would be no new significant and unavoidable impacts resulting from the project. Further, the project site is not listed on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
3 documents in project