SCH Number 2017091009
Project Info
- Title
- West Village at Calabasas Project
- Description
- The proposed project involves the development of residential, commercial, and public open space/trail uses on an undeveloped site of approximately 77.22 acres. The residential component would include a non-gated community of 15 three-story multi-family housing buildings with a total of 180 units, 18 of which would be designated affordable housing units (very low income). The commercial component would consist of a 5,867 square-foot retail center, including restaurant and retail uses. Approximately 86 percent of the site (66.1 acres) would be preserved as open space. The Recirculated Draft EIR includes revisions to Introduction, Project Description, Environmental Setting, and sections 4.10, Traffic/Circ and 6, Alternatives.
4 documents in project