SCH Number 2018062004
Project Info
- Title
- Freeport Septic Conversion Project
- Description
- Teh Freeport Septic Conversion Project would bring public seweer services to the town of Freeport. The project elements include installation of a 3" forcemain sewer line to allow for service to the 41 parcels in the town of Freeport, as well as the decommissioning and installation of private connections to those properties wishing to participate at the time of construction. A new Sacramento Area Sewer District force main sewer line would be constructed from the south end of the town of Freeport near Bartley Cavanaugh golf course, extend north along Freeport Blvd past Consumnes River Blvd then east follwoing the existing Regional San Lower Northwest Interceptor alignment and connect to an existing manhole on the southeast corner of the Verizon property. Sewer flows would consist of approximately 0.1 million gallons per day of waste, and discharge into a 10-inch sewer pipe owned by the City of Sacramento near Interstate 5. This City pipe connect to a Regional San Interceptor that discharges into the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, where it is treated and ultimately discharges into the Sacramento River.
2 documents in project