SCH Number 2021100343
Project Info
- Title
- Brookside Assisted Living Project (20PLN-0014)
- Description
- Dinesh Sawhney (applicant) is requesting approval of Parcel Map, Design Review, and Conditional Use Permit applications to develop the parcel located at 4110 Alhambra Way, totaling approximately 1.2 acres, collectively called the Brookside Assisted Living Project (project). The project includes subdividing the project site into two parcels. Parcel 1 would be approximately 47,967-square-feet (1.1 acres), and Parcel 2 would be approximately 6,030 square feet (0.1 acres). On Parcel 1, the existing convalescent facility would be renovated, the building footprint expanded, and have a second story added to increase capacity. On Parcel 2, the existing, 2,349-square-foot vacant single-family would be renovated and moved approximately 65 feet towards the eastern frontage of the site. The assisted living facility development would occur in two phases. Phase 1 includes renovating the first floor, adding shared bathrooms, and remodeling common areas and adding new dining spaces. Phase 2 includes construction of the second story of the main building to add approximately 24 bedrooms. The proposed facility would have a total of approximately 82 beds. The existing vacant residence is proposed to be moved approximately 65 feet east, to a position where it would be set back approximately 20 feet from Alhambra Way. The relocation would provide space for the assisted living facility to be expanded. Because the residence is considered a historic resource under CEQA and eligible for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR), it would be relocated and rehabilitated according to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards.
2 documents in project