SCH Number 2022040433
Project Info
- Title
- Dinah’s Project ENV-2021-4938-SCEA
- Description
- The Project Site is currently improved with a single-story, multi-tenant commercial plaza and a single-story, multi-tenant industrial/mixed-use building, an approximately 7,760-square-foot diner (Dinah’s Family Restaurant), a small locksmith shop, and associated surface parking. With the exception of the existing Dinah’s Family Restaurant building on the Project Site (that would be preserved and renovated in place) and some existing signage, the Project includes demolition and removal of all existing structures from the Project Site and development of the site with an eight-story, 362-unit multi-family residential building, with approximately 3,700 square feet of ground-floor restaurant space fronting Sepulveda Boulevard. Of the 362 proposed units, 41 would be restricted to Very Low Income households. The proposed new building would total approximately 365,623 square feet, which along with the existing Dinah’s Family Restaurant, would result in a floor area ratio (FAR) of 3.85:1, and would reach 96 feet and 4 inches in height as measured to the top of the elevator structure. The Project would retain the majority of the Dinah’s Family Restaurant building, including its character-defining features and materials. The Project would require the export of approximately 30,000 cubic yards of soil.
2 documents in project