SCH Number 2022060454
Project Info
- Title
- Metro G Line Stormwater Infiltration and Quality Project
- Description
- The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) proposes to develop the Metro G Line Stormwater Infiltration and Quality Project (Project) in Los Angeles County, California. The proposed Project has an objective of using a progressive design-build process to construct a network of infiltration drywells, or equivalent infiltration/recharge best management practices (BMP), across seven locations within Metro properties along the Metro G Line (MGL), with pretreatment facilities to capture, treat, and infiltrate stormwater runoff from over 2,300 acres, resulting in an estimated groundwater recharge of 890 acre-feet per year into the San Fernando Groundwater Basin. The proposed Project locations are within Metro-owned parcels and right-of-way (ROW), and the remaining proposed Project is within public right-of-way.
2 documents in project