SCH Number 2022080502
Project Info
- Title
- Esperanza Village Initial Plan Review (IPR) No. 07-22, General Plan Amendment (GPA) No. 04-22, Zone Change (ZC) No. 05-22, Specific Plan Amendment (SP) No. 06-2
- Description
- The proposed project involves the development of residential, non-residential mixed-use, and Los Angeles County-related uses on 8.19 acres of the 13.79-acre Maclaren Hall property. The project site is located on the los Angeles County-owned 13.79-acre Maclaren Hall property at 4024 Durfee Avenue in the City of EI Monte (APN Nos. 8549-004-900 and 8549-005-900 [LOTS 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9])
2 documents in project