SCH Number 2023070270
Project Info
- Title
- 6110 Camino De La Costa
- Description
- A Coastal Development Permit, Site Development Permit, and Neighborhood Development Permit to demolish an existing historically designated 5,086 square-foot (sf) 2-story residence and construct a new 2-story 8,649 sf residence with a basement located at 6110 Camino de la Costa. The project would also include associated site improvements (i.e. hardscape, landscaping, and pool). The project would preserve portions of the existing wall along the frontage of the site and detached garage with modifications. The 0.37-acre project site is located at 6110 Camino De La Costa in the La Jolla Community Planning Area in the City of San Diego. The project site is zoned as RS-1-5 and designated as Low Density Residential (5-9 du/ac) within the La Jolla Community Plan area.
3 documents in project