SCH Number 1999091142
Project Info
- Title
- Subsequent EIR/Supplemental EIS to the Final EIR/EIS for the IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project
- Description
- The purpose of the SEIR/SEIS is to evaluate proposed additions and changes to the IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project (Transfer Project), changes to the mitigation requirements for the Transfer Project, the 2002 Draft Habitat Conservation Plan and a Natural Community Conservation Plan. The Transfer Project Final EIR/EIS evaluated the impacts of implementing the IID Transfer Project, including certain water conservation and transfer transactions, together with certain biological conservation measures set forth in the IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project HCP.
18 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | 2023 System Conservation Implementation Agreement | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | CEQA Addendum for Bombay Beach Plot Study | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | CEQA Addendum for the Clubhouse Plot Study | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | Sediment Placement - New River (Sheldon Reservoir) (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0066-R6) | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | Salton Sea Channel Connection/Cleaning (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0082-R6) | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | Salton Sea Channel Connection/Cleaning (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0081-R6) | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | Alamo River - Garst Rd Crossing: Vegetation Removal | |
NOP | Imperial Irrigation District | Subsequent EIR/Supplemental EIS to the Final EIR/EIS for the IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | Supplement to the EIR/EIS for the IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project | |
SIR | Imperial Irrigation District | Supplement to the IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project for the Managed Marsh Complex | |
NOP | Imperial Irrigation District | Supplement to the EIR/EIS for the IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project | |
NOP | Imperial Irrigation District | IID/SDCWA Water Conservation and Transer Project | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | Transfer of Water From Imperial Irrigation District, San Diego County Water Authority | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | Transfer of Water From Imperial Irrigation District, San Diego County Water Authority | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | Transfer of Water From Imperial Irrigation District, San Diego County Water Authority | |
NOD | Imperial Irrigation District | Transfer of Water From Imperial Irrigation District, San Diego County Water Authority | |
EIR | Imperial Irrigation District | Transfer of Water From Imperial Irrigation District, San Diego County Water Authority | |
NOP | Imperial Irrigation District | Transfer of Water From Imperial Irrigation District, San Diego County Water Authority |